
Gamescom And Avatars

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Hello dragon tamers! We are back with some big news and an expressive art update: (image: teaser_iab.jpg) ##Weaving Tides @ Gamescom Indie Arena Booth Good news everyone! Weaving Tides was selected to be part of the Gamescom Indie Arena Booth! This year’s edition will be completely digital, and it’s gonna be awesome: with an online multiplayer booth experience where you can create your own ava… [read more →]

Creating a Boss Battle

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Hi everyone! In our last blog-entry we explored the (link: text: creation process of our mobs target:_blank), starting from gamedesign to prototyping to the final integration in Unity. With this post I would like to tie on to that (textile pun intended) and take it one step further: meet our first boss Razor Raven: (image: razorintro.gif caption:… [read more →]

Creating Mobs

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Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this little sneak-peak at how we create our mobs. Since the last blog-entry we made a lot of progress, and even have a shiny new steam-page, so be sure to check it out: (link: text:Weaving Tides on Steam target: _blank) Before I became a developer myself I always wondered how video game creatures were… [read more →]